Destination: South America

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Tara Harvey – Knowmad Adventures

Knowmad Adventures Tara Harvey

“Having been born with a substantial wanderlust tick, I’ve been perpetually focused on the next great adventure. Hopping a flight to some far-flung destination doesn’t have me skipping a beat – I’m endlessly inspired by the cultures, food, colors, and idiosyncrasies I discover. Ironically though, part of what I take away from travel is a

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Lisa Kellenberger – Knowmad Adventures

“I am an outdoor-loving, food-enthusing Minnesotan. Attracted to the culture, language and mystery of South America, I chose to study abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2012. After living with a family and traveling in my spare time, I can safely say I feel a sense of home in South America. I am a graduate

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