Destination: South America

The Other Side of Sustainability


Fellow Knowmad, frequent contributor, and ocean conservation guru Devin Harvey weighs in on the sustainability discussion. Sustainability—the term, the concept, the practice—is now firmly implanted in the modern, global zeitgeist. No longer is it some radical, hippie-dippie theoretical construct reserved for the zealous environmentalist. Today, even corporate is climbing on board the sustainable train (though

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Thank you. By taking the time to share your travel experiences with Knowmad you are not only helping us and supporting our company, but you are being a voice for adventure and enabling us to continue to build active, authentic and sustainable travel in South America. We truly appreciate your help in this ever-evolving technological

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Tara Harvey – Knowmad Adventures

Knowmad Adventures Tara Harvey

“Having been born with a substantial wanderlust tick, I’ve been perpetually focused on the next great adventure. Hopping a flight to some far-flung destination doesn’t have me skipping a beat – I’m endlessly inspired by the cultures, food, colors, and idiosyncrasies I discover. Ironically though, part of what I take away from travel is a

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Lisa Kellenberger – Knowmad Adventures

“I am an outdoor-loving, food-enthusing Minnesotan. Attracted to the culture, language and mystery of South America, I chose to study abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2012. After living with a family and traveling in my spare time, I can safely say I feel a sense of home in South America. I am a graduate

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