Destination: South America

2014 Annual South America Travel Photography Contest Results

Peru South America Travel Photography

Our 2014 Annual South America Travel Photography Contest results are in! Travelers captured moments from all over South America including photos from Patagonia, Machu Picchu, the Galapagos Islands, Easter Island, the Peruvian Amazon, the cloud forest in Ecuador, and more. With all of the incredible entries it was tough to pick our favorites. See our

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How to Order a Coffee in Spanish

Coffee in Spanish

Mmmmmm….a view of the ocean from my balcony, the harbor is waking, the birds singing their songs. I rub the sleep from my eyes, breathe in the salty, foreign air and reach for…what’s this?! A cup of bitter, grainy Nescafe.

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Gift Guide for the Traveler

For the Traveler

Gifts are a fun way to share in a loved one’s passion and interests. Above is a handful of goodies for the person in your life that loves to get up and go, explore the world and come home to tell the stories.

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What’s In My Carry-On


It’s the night before your big trip. You’ve cleared your inbox and put on your vacation responder. You’ve organized someone to feed and walk your dog, water your plants and shovel your walk. You’ve gotten your immunizations, renewed your passport and notified your credit card company you’ll be making charges from abroad. You’ve cleared out

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