Meet our new South America trip planners – Renee Davies and Jackson Mann. We couldn’t be more excited to welcome these adventurous souls to the Knowmad team!
Let’s Get Personal: An Interview With Our New South America Trip Planners
Meet Renee Renee is our new Peru and Ecuador Trip Specialist. She lived in Mexico for over 3 years and is excited to help Knowmad travelers discover the wonderful impact that not just travel, but really experiencing a different country and culture can have on your life. Read Renee’s biography here.

Renee’s Travel Journal / Her Camera / Her Dog Hummel’s Toy / Renee’s Hiking Shoes / A Photo Symbolizing Her Time In Mexico / A Favorite Souvenir From Abroad
Q: You in 5 words
A: Compassionate. Adventurous. Patient. Dedicated. Gullible.
Q: 3 things you like: Sunshine. Spanish. Time with friends and family.
….and 3 things you hate: Heights (if I am right on the edge). Too many cloudy days in a row. Feeling unproductive.
Hot or Cold | Coffee or Tea | East or West | Books or Movies “I love both!” | Early Bird or Night Owl | Spring or Fall | Cake or Pie “Brownies” | Write or Type “Both” | Sand or Snow | Silver or Gold | Crushed or Cubed | Fruits or Vegetables | Scrambled or Fried | Antique or New | Cats or Dogs “But I love both!” | Sunrise or Sunset | Pen or Pencil | Adventurous or Cautious “Cautiously Adventurous” | Call or Text | Truth or Dare | Stripes or Solids
Q: What are a few of your favorite items from abroad?
A: My favorite “item” I have ever gotten abroad is my dog, Mr. Hummel. I adopted him from Mexico, so if that counts as an item, then he wins by a landslide! As far as more traditional items, I would have to say a framed photo that some co-workers gave me as a going away present while I was working in Mexico (pictured above). It’s a photo of a typical, everyday view of the city where I lived, and on the back everyone wrote a special note.
Q: What’s one thing you have to have in your carry-on?
A: My camera
Q: What’s your one must-have travel item?
A: Probably my camera for this one too!
Q: What’s the first thing you pack?
A: Pants…just because that is usually what I roll up and put at the bottom of my suitcase.
Q: What is one item you never remember to pack?
A: I usually always forget something different…but I have forgotten pajamas on multiple occasions.
Q: What is the weirdest thing you’ve eaten abroad?
A: Intestine Tacos
Q: If you were to be born in another era, which would it be?
A: This is a tough one…I actually really like the era I was born into, but if I had to choose I would be born in the mid 40s. This would allow me to grow up in the 50s and be a teen and/or young adult by the 60s.
Q: If you could speak every language or play every instrument, what would you choose?
A: I would speak every language for sure! It would be amazing to be able to go anywhere in the world, and have a full conversation with someone.
Q: What is your favorite after work activity?
A: Just take my dog on a walk, and spend time with family or friends.
Q: What is your favorite Minneapolis lake?
A: Well, I’m new here, so I am still really getting to know the lakes, but as of right now, I would have to say Lake Harriet.
Q: What is your favorite cocktail/drink?
A: Cuba Libre or Gin & Tonic
Q: What is your favorite weekend getaway?
A: Anywhere and everywhere! It’s so refreshing to get out of town for a few days, even if it just means driving to another town 40 minutes down the road!
Q: Your best kept travel secret…
A: I would say the best-kept travel secret (ok, probably not much of a secret, and more of just advice) is to simply be open-minded. A lot of times while traveling unexpected things happen, and some of the best memories come from those moments. Don’t be afraid to be open to changes, go with the flow, and see what you can learn from the people you meet and the situations you find yourself in.
Meet Jack Jack is our new Argentina and Chile Trip Specialist. He has an affinity for anything outdoors and is constantly on the move trying to stay curious and active. Read Jack’s biography here.

Jack’s Hiking Shoes / A Few Records He Likes / A Knife Collected From Abroad / An Elephant Representing One Of Jack’s Next Adventures To India / A Water Bottle Showing His Swedish Heritage / A Chalk Bag For Climbing
Q: You in 5 words
A: Curious. Planner. Optimist. Adventurer. Resourceful.
Q: 3 things you like: Fish Tacos. The Great Outdoors. Music.
….and 3 things you hate: Black Liquorice. Traffic. Unnecessarily shortened words i.e. “totes.”
Hot or Cold | Coffee or Tea | East or West | Books or Movies | Early Bird or Night Owl “Both” | Spring or Fall | Cake or Pie | Write or Type | Sand or Snow | Silver or Gold | Crushed or Cubed | Fruits or Vegetables | Scrambled or Fried | Antique or New | Cats or Dogs | Sunrise or Sunset | Pen or Pencil | Adventurous or Cautious | Call or Text | Truth or Dare | Stripes or Solids
Q: What are a few of your favorite items from abroad?
A: For a few years I collected weapons from every new country I travelled to, I regret stopping the tradition but it turns out trying to fly internationally with a crossbow in your suitcase tends to make things complicated. One of my favorite items was a dagger from a market in Hong Kong.
Q: What’s one thing you have to have in your carry-on?
A: Magazine/Book
Q: What’s your one must-have travel item?
A: Headphones!
Q: What’s the first thing you pack?
A: My passport.
Q: What is one item you never remember to pack?
A: Socks, definitely socks, for some reason I never pack enough socks.
Q: What is the weirdest thing you’ve eaten abroad?
A: Chicken heart in Brazil.
Q: If you were to be born in another era, which would it be?
A: This is a tough one, I think I would want the prime of my life to be from 1965-1975 if I had to choose.
Q: If you could speak every language or play every instrument, what would you choose?
A: Play every instrument!
Q: What is your favorite after work activity?
A: Biking around Minneapolis.
Q: What is your favorite Minneapolis lake?
A: Lake of the Isles.
Q: What is your favorite cocktail/drink?
A: Anything with Whiskey.
Q: What is your favorite weekend getaway?
A: Camping in Duluth near Lake Superior.
Q: Your best kept travel secret…
A: When going through immigration-lines try to stand on the line next to the “Crew/VIP Line” even if it is a little longer. Once the crew is through, which is typically very quick, they tend call people over from the adjacent line and eventually open it completely.
We are so excited to welcome Renee and Jack into the Knowmad family! Stay tuned to learn more about their adventures and interests, as they will be regular Knowmad blog contributors. You can also read our new South America trip planners bio’s here…
Hasta pronto, Knowmad Adventurers
Knowmad Adventures works closely with independent-minded travelers creating innovative trips to South America. Our specialists in Patagonia, Chile, Machu Picchu, Peru, Argentina, the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador and Antarctica are eager to collaborate and create a trip as unique and authentic as you are, and our experienced South American operations team guarantees you get an insider’s perspective, superior values, and a flawlessly operated trip.