Curried Quinoa

Quinoa seems to be all the rage lately, as this world is discovering how hard gluten can be on your body. This grain, native to the high Andean regions of Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Columbia, is a great source of protein, calcium and iron. The Incans revered the crop and considered it sacred, referring it to it as “the mother of all grains.”

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What to Pack for a Trip to South America + How to Layer

Learning How To Layer - Travel South America
Right photo via @eggcanvas on Instagram.

Let us break down what to pack for your next trip to South America, and demonstrate how to layer properly to make sure you’re comfortable, even when the weather isn’t. We’ve got you covered with helpful links to packing lists and resources for the Galapagos Islands, Patagonia, the Inca Trail, and more.

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The Other Side of Sustainability

Fellow Knowmad, frequent contributor, and ocean conservation guru Devin Harvey weighs in on the sustainability discussion.

Sustainability—the term, the concept, the practice—is now firmly implanted in the modern, global zeitgeist. No longer is it some radical, hippie-dippie theoretical construct reserved for the zealous environmentalist. Today, even corporate is climbing on board the sustainable train (though perhaps they waited a bit longer to see if that train was chugging—on renewable energy—toward Cashtown). Companies that value the lifespan of the commodities they buy, trade and sell, as well as the stakeholders and resources involved, will more often than not reap long-term financial benefits. While corporate buy-in to the sustainability mantra is essential for reversing global environmental decline, individuals play a significant role in steering public discourse when they shop, eat, and even travel.

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Best Atacama Luxury Lodges: A Review of San Pedro de Atacama’s Top Hotels

Best Atacama Luxury Lodges

Just 10 years ago, the Atacama Desert was almost completely unknown to the North American traveler. Accessible only to backpackers and the savviest of travelers, this unique area—which reminds me of Yellowstone, the American Southwest, and Mars all rolled into one—was a hidden gem.

Today, the gorgeous landscapes combined with the fascinating pre-Columbian indigenous cultures have turned the region into one of Chile’s top attractions alongside Patagonia and Easter Island. Its rising popularity among discerning adventurers is thanks in part to a blossoming of luxury lodges in the area that offer a tantalizing combination of world-class comfort and active adventure.

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Huchuy Qosqo Trek: Hiking, Kayaking, Camping…Oh, Let Us Count the Ways to Explore Peru

Huchuy qosqo hike trek peru

Four friends took to the trails with Knowmad for a journey through Peru unlike any other. In ten days, they visited the Huchuy Qosqo ancient ruins, kayaked beautiful lakes, and camped at one-of-a-kind sites to experience spectacular Peru a wide variety of ways!

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The Best Machu Picchu Hotels: Where to Stay in Aguas Calientes, Peru

Knowmad Adventures Peru Travel

Are you wondering where to stay at Machu Picchu or which places are the best Machu Picchu hotels? Staying in Aguas Calientes, the town in the shadow of Machu Picchu, lets you maximize your visit at what is undoubtedly one of the most majestic and inspiring sites in the world. Knowmad Trip Specialist Renee compares the best Machu Picchu hotels for different budgets and travel styles below.

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