I remember sitting in the waiting room for one of the many doctor appointments you go to when you’re pregnant and flipping through Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine. It must have been during one of the early visits that the “5 Fascinating Moms” feature caught my eye. As an expectant mother I was nervous, naturally. How was I going to do this? Was I going to be nurturing enough? Patient enough? The stories of those five women filled me with wonder. How were they pulling it off? Not only were they tackling the daily challenges of meeting every need of a little human being, but they were doing it with style and gusto! Pursuing their own dreams, juggling careers and me-time. It seemed impossible.
But I was missing the point. If you read a little closer, that’s exactly what all these moms aren’t saying. No one is flaunting that they can do it all – be a loving mother, wife, daughter and ending the day with dinner made and a clean house. In fact, everyone is saying it is hard. A CEO of successful non-profit urges you to “be gentle with yourself” and a model/actress reminds you to “take a deep breath.” When at first I felt wonder, it’s in those words I found courage.
A couple of years later I find myself sharing the pages of Pregnancy & Newborn with many other inspiring, intelligent and no doubt, fascinating, mamas. I’m shocked. I’m honored. And above all else, I humbly hope that my words help a new mom somewhere find the strength she already has within to let go of the doubt or fear that surfaces and to trust in the beautiful woman that you are.
Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine: 5 Fascinating Moms
Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine featured Knowmad Adventures’ Co-Founder Tara Harvey as one of their “5 Fascinating Moms” in the May 2015 issue on newsstands now. A special thanks to journalist Lauren Brockman for crafting such a great feature and facilitating this “sisterhood of motherhood” that keeps us all going! Read about Tara’s adventures in motherhood below (click the photo to zoom in) and read the full “5 Fascinating Moms” feature in print or online at www.pnmag.com.

Photo Credit: (Top) Lisa Kellenberger | (Right) Kokal Photography
Hasta Pronto, Knowmad Adventurers
Knowmad Adventures works closely with independent-minded travelers creating innovative trips to South America. Our specialists in Patagonia, Chile, Machu Picchu, Peru, Argentina, the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador and Antarctica are eager to collaborate and create a trip as unique and authentic as you are, and our experienced South American operations team guarantees you get an insider’s perspective, superior values, and a flawlessly operated trip.