Posts By: Tara Harvey

Lake Minnetonka Magazine

A big thank you to our friends at Lake Minnetonka Magazine for featuring us in their February issue. To read the article request a copy of the magazine here.

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Explorer’s Corner: A Journey in Cochamo, Chile


Even the incredible pictures that I saw on Facebook and the great stories I heard from travelers had no chance at properly preparing me for the magnificence I was about to see and experience in the Cochamó Valley.  It is beyond description, the only way to really appreciate it is to go there.  It all began with a

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‘Tis the season for travel…

Travel South America

…and Knowmad founders Jordan and Tara can’t resist the bug…so we’ll be heading down to Chile this March. Don’t be surprised when one or both of us – alongside our charismatic and knowledgeable local guides – accompanies parts of the March 26th departure of the Countryside, Culture and Coast trip through central Chile, as well

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A New Beginning – Knowmad Adventures

Knowmad Adventures Travel

  Having spent the past seven months handcrafting active, authentic and sustainable travel experiences in Chile, we’re preparing to return to the U.S. to focus our energies on promoting our trips to travelers throughout the country.

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If You Build It, They Will Come

If you build it they will come

A big thanks to everyone who helped make March 2010 an incredible month for Knowmad Adventures! After many months of making strong partnerships throughout Chile and Argentina and designing what we feel are incredible travel experiences, we had our first big wave of travelers come and test the waters. Knowmad Adventures will always remember the

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And the Earth Shook

The dogs barked around four a.m. Their persistence awoke me, gently. Quieting suddenly, the house began to shake. Not a hysterical shake or a seizing fit, but a deep and distant trepidation lasting for minutes. “It’s your first earthquake baby,” I said as we drifted back to sleep.

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The Fu

The Fu

  Next up was a trip further south to the world-famous Futaleufu river (a.k.a the Fu); home of hands down the best rafting in South America. With long stretches of rapid-filled, turquoise waters, it’s a natural paradise. Rafting is just the beginning; test your hand at fly-fishing, mountain bike through the temperate rainforest, gallop along

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When one decides to start an adventure travel company it’s not because they envision spending sixty hours a week staring at a computer. Researching, calling, emailing, circling back, requesting quotes, revising, crunching numbers, crunching again, doing data analysis, until the day arrives that you realize you haven’t walked outside, left the desk or changed out

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La Navidad – Christmas in Chile


Our first Christmas as a married couple was spent here on the farm. Just as back in the suburbs of Minnesota, Christmas preparations start early. Senora Berta – once a neighbor and increasingly a surrogate mother to us here on the farm – was frantically baking cookies and breads weeks ahead of time. The hour

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