We are proud to announce that the all new Knowmad Adventures website is live! The new site, which was completely redesigned by Knowmad co-Founder Tara, has greatly expanded content including more in-depth bios of the growing Knowmad team, more suggested trip ideas including exclusive Galapagos yacht cruises, and a traveler review section. We’re also jumping out of our seats excited about improved functionality letting travelers design their very own trip as well as searching by travel style such as family, luxury, active and more (kudos to super programmer Josh and nose-to-the-grindstone Media Manager Lisa!).
It is with as much relief as joy that we make this announcement. As a small company building a site this expansive had us all wearing the proverbial many hats, and for that or otherwise it’s safe to say we’re all left with a lower thread count atop the cabeza, if you know what I mean! But hopefully what didn’t kill us made us stronger and we proudly invite you to explore the new face of Knowmad Adventures today.